Host media files in Amazon S3

Here is the simple way to host your media files ( images , videos , audios) in Amazon S3 ( Simple Storage Service

Amazon’s Simple Storage Service provides a simple web server to access any file that is stored in their storage cloud. This means, you can access files stored at S3, directly via a web browser, if you have set the permissions as “read” for all users. You can teach your clients to use S3 to host media files, which do not need scripting on the web server side and not require a lot of bandwidth to serve, e.g. images, flash movies, audio files etc.

  • Create and activate your Amazon S3 Account.
  • Start the Bucket Explorer. ( Bucket explorer is the GUI client to access amazon S3 )
  • Insert your Access key  and Secret key  and click on “ Go ” button.
  • After successful logon, Bucket Explorer prompts you “ Do you want to save credentials at local machine for future use“. Click on ” Save with password ” or “ Save without password ”
  • Now create a bucket in which you wish to store images or other media files (eg.
  • Create a CNAME entry into your domain’s DNS Manager interface and point it towards
  • Select the bucket and upload images in it.
  • Now give the READ permission to ALL USERS . For doing this right click on images and choose “ Update Object’s Access Control List ” option,
  • Check the READ permission for ALL USERS and click on “Save” permission button.
  • Now again right click on images and choose “ Generate Web URL ” option.
  • Click on “ Use Bucket Name as Virtual Host ” button to modify all URLs according to your CNAME entry. (it would look like –
  • Click on “ Copy all ” button. This will copy all the URLs on the clipboard.
  • Now the images are ready for public sharing or you can use URLs in your website.

You have done it. Enjoy!

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