Volume Snapshot fails with error Snapshot Creation Per Volume Rate Has Exceeded

In AWS you can take a snapshot of a volume while a previous snapshot of that volume is in the pending status, having multiple pending snapshots of a volume can result in reduced volume performance until the snapshots complete.

There is a limit of five pending snapshots for a single gp2, io1, or Magnetic volume, and one pending snapshot for a single st1 or sc1 volume. If you receive a ConcurrentSnapshotLimitExceeded error while trying to create multiple concurrent snapshots of the same volume, wait for one or more of the pending snapshots to complete before creating another snapshot of that volume.

Nimesa Backup Log

Backup for instance i- failed with error Snapshot Creation Per Volume Rate Has Exceeded For Volume :vol-
Error: Execution failed with error Backup failed, check logs

This error is because of an AWS Limitation which can occur when Nimesa is attempting to take snapshot of the instance which is part of multiple backup groups and the backup time overlaps.

If you have an instance in more than one backup groups ensure the backup times are not overlapping

Nimesa is a cloud-native Backup & DR solution for enterprise applications & databases on AWS. Enables single-click recovery at scale – retrieve an individual file or an entire datacenter in seconds, across regions globally

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