Still many people using query string / get method for their URL to getting the value from the user , but these query strings are not Search engine friendly , To create a searchengine friendly url you can make use of URI segments Instead we can use like
I explain you how to fetch the URI segments
Here is a set of two php functions that I use regularly to quickly get a specific URI segment or return all segments available.
These are very helpful if you have written or are writing your own custom SEF urls
<?php function getUriSegments() { return explode(“/”, parse_url($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], PHP_URL_PATH)); } function getUriSegment($n) { $segs = getUriSegments(); return count($segs)>0&&count($segs)>=($n-1)?$segs[$n]:”; //if uri segment us available then return uri else return ‘null’ } ?> <?php // if the url is echo getUriSegment(1); //returns foo echo getUriSegment(2); //returns bar var_dump(getUriSegments()); //returns array(0=>’foo’, 1=>’bar’, 2=>’wow’) ?>